Plenary Sessions

The Plenary Sessions will be designed to inspire various topics related to key activities of regional data conditions, tools and opportunities, stakeholder engagement and collaboration, and capacity development related to GEO Blue Planet. Additionally, this year’s event will also cover the current state and issues of the ocean through international organizations and government agencies in the Asian region, as well as examples of institutional and technological applications using digital technology and information.

Introductory keynote presentations

These presentations are geared towards providing a high-level introduction to the 6th GEO Blue Planet Symposium. The session will feature brief presentations aimed at introducing the GEO Blue Planet initiative and its mission, highlighting the goals and desired outcomes of this year’s symposium and discussing the importance of the ocean and ocean economy to the region. The session will also feature discussions related to ocean and coastal observations and their role in supporting the sustainable use and management of maritime and coastal resources in the region.  

Plenary Session 1:

Ocean and Coastal Challenges and Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region

Asia has one of the largest ocean areas in the world and is rich in ocean resources and biodiversity. However, various ocean issues such as marine debris, coastal disasters, and overfishing, are occurring due to climate change, high population density, and industrial and developmental activities. To address these issues, regional countries and international organizations are pursuing various measures for ocean protection and development. International organizations develop and implement policies such as international laws and regulations related to the ocean, contributing to policy decision-making through knowledge-sharing and capacity-building programs, including research and data collection, and promoting practical solutions. 

This session will briefly introduce the current status and issues of the ocean in the Asian region and explain the role of international organizations in solving ocean problems. Specifically, it aims to discuss the future vision of the ocean in the Asian area by focusing on concrete cases pursued by international organizations, such as cooperation in ocean information and technology between countries or regions, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building for solving ocean problems. 

Plenary Session 2:

Introduction to the GEO Blue Planet Initiative​

GEO Blue Planet is a very important international program that aims to promote an understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems, support their conservation and sustainable management, and develop monitoring and prediction systems. It also seeks to develop policies and facilitate their implementation through data and information sharing, research, and collaboration among stakeholders. The establishment of an Asian office and network of marine experts in the region is particularly significant given the importance of Asia as a major ocean region with rich marine resources and biodiversity, as well as significant ocean-related challenges.

This session will introduce the goals and vision, governance of the GEO Blue Planet international program, as well as the background and history of the establishment of the Asia office. We will also discuss the goals and vision for building a network of ocean experts in the Asia region and for promoting cooperation in ocean information and technology, and provide concrete implementation plans to achieve these goals. The aim is to enhance awareness of GEO Blue Planet and its Asia office and to encourage collaboration and participation from domestic and international practitioners, experts, and stakeholders.

Plenary Session 3:

Digital Solutions for Sustainable Oceans

To address global ocean issues such as climate change, marine debris, dead zones, marine biodiversity loss, illegal fishing, and overfishing, it is important to establish effective regulations, build the capacity of practitioners, and leverage the knowledge and experience of experts. In addition, the use of ocean observations and information that support the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean is crucial. Based on information about marine ecosystems and various human activities, effective policies and regulations can be developed. Therefore, it is essential to collect and analyze diverse information related to ocean conservation and use it to support appropriate decision-making and planning.

This session aims to introduce cases that utilize ocean information and technology to address current ocean issues and challenges. Through specific examples from the Asian region, the importance of applying ocean information and technology will be emphasized, and the need for cooperation among countries and regions in ocean information and technology will be discussed.

Plenary Session 4:

Korean Marine Spatial Planning (K-MSP)

In 2018, Korea established the “Marine Spatial Planning Act” and designated its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) into nine designated use zones, including fishing activity protection zones, energy development zones, and marine environment and ecosystem management zones, based on the analysis results of marine spatial big data and consultations with stakeholders. By introducing the marine spatial suitability consultation system to review various usage and development plans in advance, a marine spatial management system was established. This integrated system of marine spatial management in Korea is considered a successful case of a local MSP, unlike the national-level MSP cases in European countries that are advanced in MSP. In light of this, other countries in Asia, including Bangladesh and Indonesia, are requesting cooperation on related regulations and technologies.

This session will introduce the background and current status of Korea’s MSP (K-MSP) and provide detailed explanations of the data and related technologies applied during the establishment and implementation of MSP. Through this session, we aim to promote understanding of the MSP system and share knowledge and experience regarding the utilization of technology and information.

Plenary Session Objectives

  1. To promote dialogue on the ocean and coastal issues in the Asian region.
  2. To explore the role of ocean information in addressing regional issues.
  3. To discuss detailed action plans to contribute to sustainable development in the Asian region.

Target Audience

The keynote session of the symposium is targeted to a diverse audience of up to 200 people, including government officials, research institutions, industry representatives, and local stakeholders. Participants may include senior representatives from international organizations, government ministers, policymakers, representatives from regional and local bodies, experts, researchers, students, and other local stakeholders.