Symposium forum

The Symposium Forum is designed to host discussions related to GEO Blue Planet’s mission, activities and engagement priorities of the newly established Asian Secretariat office. The session will feature presentations related to current working group activities, a review of the outcomes of 5th GEO Blue Planet Symposium and a summary of the key Earth Observation related needs highlighted during panel discussions and workshops of this year’s symposium. The forum would also feature a number of presentations related to the future actions of the Asian Secretariat office and a poster presentation of potential projects and activities which can be integrated into the GEO Blue Planet work programme.  

Forum Objectives

  1. To provide an overview of GEO Blue Planet’s mission, engagement priorities and current working group activities.  
  2. To summarize the key findings and needs highlighted during panel discussions and thematic workshops.  
  3. To propose potential avenues for the uptake and integration of regional projects into the GEO Blue Planet work programme.  
  4. To discuss the scope of action and engagement priorities of the newly established Asian Secretariat office.  


Target Audience

The Symposium forum is open to general participants throughout the Symposium. Participants include international organizations, regional organizations, experts, stakeholders, policymakers, and students in the Asia region.